Customer Awareness – California CAL Green Initiative – Updates for 2014
Single-Family Residential
This law requires the owner of single-family residential structure (built before 1994) and as applicant for any new building permit after January 1, 2014 to replace non-compliant interior faucets (>2.2gpm), toilets (>1.6gpf), and showerheads (>2.5gpm) prior to final permit approval by local building departments. The only exceptions are registered historical sites or where a licensed plumber
certifies that, due to the age or configuration of the property or its plumbing, installation of water-conserving plumbing fixtures is not technically feasible. Owners must replace all fixtures by January 1, 2017 regardless of any improvements or permit pulls etc. After January 1, 2017, owners will have to disclose all non-compliant fixtures in any real estate transaction.
Multi-Family Residential & Commercial
After January 1, 2014, owners as applicants for permits on any work to multifamily residential and commercial structures (increases floor space more than 10% or costs more than $150k) must replace non-compliant interior faucets (>2.2gpm), toilets (>1.6gpf), and showerheads (>2.5gpm) prior to final permit approval by local building departments. Regardless of the increase in floor space or $150k threshold, permit applicants must replace all non-compliant devices within the room they are seeking a permit for improvement. Owners MUST replace
all fixtures by January 1, 2019 regardless of any improvements or permit pulls etc. After January 1, 2019, owners will have to disclose all non-compliant fixtures in any real estate transaction.
Lincoln Products stocks a full range of products that currently meet these new sustainability standards:
- Showerheads that meet the ≤2 gpm requirement
- Kitchen faucets that meet the ≤1.8 gpm requirement
- Lavatory faucets that meet the ≤1.5 gpm requirement
- High Efficiency Toilets (HET) that meet the ≤1.28 gallon flush requirement
- Aerators that meet the new efficiency standards
- Urinals, metering faucets and Flushometer valves that meet the current requirements
Where can I go to learn more about the CAL Green Initiative?
Property Transfers: Plumbing Fixtures Replacement
2013 CAL Green Residential Mandatory Measures